What was Christmas like for Mary, Our Blessed Mother?

What was Christmas like for Mary, Our Blessed Mother? I began this article in a more devotional vein, but found myself stuck on a part of Christmas that I had never given much thought to. What was Christmas like for Mary, mother or Jesus, our Blessed mother? I know that some Protestants are uncomfortable, even to the point of accusing blasphemy for calling Mary by her rightful titles: Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, Our Blessed Mother. I, like St. Paul, was one of the accusers, 'in fact one of the worst' at one time. Being pretty smart and smart-mouthed, I could out argue anyone. Being born and raised in a protestant environment, I knew nothing little about Notre Dame and what I had been taught was protestant anti-Catholic apologetics. Consequently, I was pretty vehement in her criticism. But the I went and married this Catholic guy, had kids, went to the grotto of Lourdes and accidentally fell in love with 'the lady of sorrows'....but that's another story. Back to the Mary of Christmas. Now even if I could make a case that Mary was not immaculately conceived (which I would not do), there are some glaring points in the Christmas story which prove unequivocally that Mary was and is Regina, Queen of Heaven. Read on...

Advent Hope Story

Advent Story He slams into his second grade classroom, late as usual. He must have read Hitler's Mein Kampf, about the way to make a grand entrance. Arrive late;leave early. He does. He hides, sneaks off and causes adults to hunt for him whenever possible. Despite weighing in at sub-pee-wee 50# and reaching only to my belly button, he packs a lot of p*ss and vinegar. Read more...

"What I am Most Thankful for" An adult's Thanksgiving essay

Thanksgiving Thoughts on Loved Ones Living and Lost How many times have I assigned students to write that Thanksgiving holiday essay entitled, 'What I Am Thankful for This Year'? Young and old, when it boiled right down, children listed their families at the top of the list. After the obligatory nods to the great Thanksgiving food and favorite toys, almost every student realized that what could not be replaced, what was most valuable was to love and be loved. Read more...

Waterlily Rose Maiden

Waterlily Rose Maiden
Verse one from my sonnet to our infant daughter, Mary Therese Sachteleben who passed into the arms of Jesus on Jan. 5, 2001.

her eyes, green-gray still waters, do not cry
not mirror nor window of soul-dark spaces,
guardians hold prisoner, secrets shy
in soft tranquil deep and twilight traces

  her skin, like dogwood blossoms translucent
  rose petal fair and water-lily pale
  heaven-bound as nimbus, storm-cloud spent

  fresh as a lamb, nested quiet in vale
  no tears descend this tender, pallid cheek
  no sorrow escapes this unworldly maid

  no companion shares nor solace does seek
  perfect in slumber, unmoving and staid
  Silent in her grave, somber and death-cold
  Never feels pain, nor mother-arms enfold.

83rd Oscar Nominations for Academy Awards 2011

Nominations are in for the 83rd Oscar Awards. In the lead for Best Picture is "The King's Speech" (Colin Firth). Other picks include "True Grit", "The Social Network", "Inception", "The Black Swan", "The Fighter", "127 Hours", "Winter's Bone", "The Kids are Alright" and "Toy Story 3". Read more...

"The King's Speech" Oscar Nomination Movie Review

I am a self-avowed "Britophile". What's a Britophile? It's a term meaning "dog-like follower of things British". "The King's Speech" is nicely situated to win Best  Picture at the 83rd Oscars for 2011. Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush, Michael Gambon, Derek Jacobi are people in this Brit cross-over film. Read on...

How to Write a Persuasive Speech

 "Stylus Fortio Gladio" or in English, "the pen is mightier than the sword". When I read that Westboro Baptist Church was planning to picket the funerals of the Arizona shooting victims and that a phalanx of angels was gathering to protect the privacy of the mourners, I decided to write an article for Yahoo! about it. I offer it as a model for a persuasive speech. Here is a snippet, followed by a link you can click to read the entire speech.

"Westboro Baptist Church routinely protests funerals and targets homosexuals for hate rants and verbal abuse. WBC is so busy seeking out people and places to harass that it has a picket schedule on its website.  Click to read complete story.

Editorial, Commentary, Persuasive Speech Writing Sample

This begins an article I wrote for Yahoo! News. I have written in in the form of an editorial, commentary or persuasive speech. It might also be used as an essay example. It begins: "Ask anyone age 40 if they remember seeing so many obese children and overweight teenagers. The answer will be a resounding no. Juvenile obesity is the fastest growing health issue in America, as well it should be. America is killing children, one mouthful at a time. In the U.S., we are literally poisoning children, with every bite we feed them." To read more, click here...

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