Printable Reading Response Journal Template for Readers Workshop, Writers Workshop- Yahoo Voices -

Can we agree that schools rely too heavily on worksheets? That handouts are boring and kids don't learn much doing them? To teach reading and writing, why not have students make Reading Response Journals? Students complete activities and interact with content, rather than just parroting back answers. Use reading response journals as part of Writer's Workshop or Reader's Workshop activities. Literature, Reading and Writing Response Journal Lesson Plan

How to Write a Graduation Speech and Speak in Public with Poise

The good news is, you've been asked to give a speech. That's the bad news too. 'Cause public speaking scares you silly. Well, fear not. Regardless of occasion or audience, we'll make a confident orator of you yet. Here are tips to de-stress speech-making. Click the link for tips on how to write graduation speeches and this one for giving them confidently.How to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking

No Flowers for Mama (Tragi-Comic Mother's Day Verse)

A child's perspective on Mother's Day flower gifts, personal property laws and sustainable alternatives. In verse. A poor imitative tribute to Shel Silverstein. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  No Flowers for Mama

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