Misty moisty Michigan walks

 (preface another ode to my childhood Lake Michigan beach walks with grampa. I write a lot about him and grama Kinney. I miss them a lot. Side note: the word uffy in stanza 3 means softy. As in "pink uffy" Emma's blanket)

misty moisty Michigan days

are the best ones for walking

with grampa and the dogs

to the beach in the woods

sunny days are nice too

but grey rainy are even better

soft days my dad called them

its a good word

drizzly clouds make things look

fuzzy and comfy and cozy

i want to wrap up in clouds

like an uffy blanket

its quiet so you can hear

bugs and birds and rustley leaves

and furry, fluffy wind

makes sklishy waves and creaky trees

you can talk if you want 

but you don't have to

on a moisty misty walk

and probably shouldn't 

the big lake woods 

are like a church

and we don't talk in church

if grama is there anyway

on soft beach days

nothing bad exists

no school or work or mean

just happy with a little sad

but it's good blue sad

not mad red sad

sad that helps not hurts, or not too much

sad that time and people pass

grampa and grama are not here

but they're not gone

they still live in the red brick house

and we still walk the lake

in my heart. 

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