I had a sock monkey
his name was JoJo
but he is gone, I don't know where
they're all gone
I had toys, once
I saw pictures of me with them
They have disappeared, by magic
Or maybe it's just me who's gone?
Some were sold to buy
Mommy and Daddy new toys
And then Stepmommy and StepDaddy
and their new kids
I didn't have many toys
but they were mine
gifts from Gramas and Grampas
Aunties and Uncles
A Barbie with camper
games of Clue and Life
A long-hair Chrissy doll and
Blythe whose eyes changed color
And books collected and saved
A complete Peanuts set
Sad Eyes and fairy tale
puzzles in cardboard cans
And Disney and Bible LPs
They didn't get lost
as things do when one ages
I didn't sell them
or give them away
They were taken almost
as soon as I got them
well, I wouldn't have a place
to keep them anyway
Homes and bedrooms being
thin on the ground
shuffling between parents' houses
them moving every month or so
Why didn't they go along?
These past friends of childhood?
One day they were there, the next, gone
Why did I not ask after them?
I treasure my children's toys
lovingly stored in the basement
because they loved them
and I love the children
I miss my old friends now.
They would be good reminders
that I actually existed
beyond the few, sad memories
that are so different from what
they said were happy- real
but then, the little girl
would have had to be treasured too
So farewell, JoJo, Chrissy, Blythe
I hope you found happy homes.
Thank you for being my friends
for awhile, back then.
Love, Marilisa